26. Februar 2008

Konrad Adenauer

Housing is, honest-to-god, the hardest part about going to Germany. I'm 7000 miles away and trying to pick a suitable apartment: ridiculous (lächerlich). The first option with Felix was kind of a flop. After the first email I sent in German, he switched to writing in English, another one of those bad signs. I figured that deadlines and such were flexible because he was doing the renting, so I took my time in corresponding. A few days after I send a message to him, I got a message from Felix saying that he might have a place, but it's already been given away, but the girl can't move in for some reason. Are you confused? Me too, this is why we should have written in German.
Apparently, the deadlines were not so flexible because the Housing Chick sent me another offer to live on Konrad-Adenauer Straße in room number 3.1. I was looking forward to Felix, but no dice. I get the renting contract on the 19 and have to sign and return it by the 25. And like a moron, I decide that that particular span of time would be great to travel to Iowa and leave me computer (with the application) behind. My carefree weekend is interrupted by a realization on the night of the 24th of the 7 hour time difference. That is, the morning of the 25th to me will be well past normal business hours on the 25th to her. SHIT! Add to this that I don't actually have the application even if I wanted to fax it. (Sidenote: who uses fax machines anyway really?) I get on the phone with The Widow Rajewski (my mom) and have to describe how to email a PDF application from me to me. Twenty minutes later I have the email.
In SLC the next day, I fill out my cover sheet and write a little note in German at the bottom apologizing for my lateness blah blah blah. And I hand it all to Gloria and get ready to leave. But no, it certainly can't be quick or easy to send something to Germany. Gloria doesn't understand the phone number. In her defense it was 0049 (0) 7071/9697-20 so it's not like it's obvious what to do. After three attempts and a call to the international center fail to yield any results, THE DIRECTOR OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS has to personally fax the document. On the upside, this does make my excuses to the Housing Authority a little more legitimate. But here's the kicker, I got an Email today saying that they received my application, but only the first half! That Jackass didn't fax it right! Now I have to go to Kinkos to fax it myself. (Avoid this option if you can because it costs 10$ to send two pages.) Jesus Christ Bananas!
So, hopefully I will have a place on Konrad-Adenauer Straße to live. I don't know a whole lot about the place other than that it's furnished (which specifically includes a pillow and quilt, but not sheets or utensils) and that the dorm is called Mühlbachäcker a name which I can't begin to pronounce.

1 Kommentar:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Aha that's where Chloe lives. We were almost neighbours!
